Tips for Perfect Spring Move

Tips for Perfect Spring Move

Spring is almost there, and it is probably the most popular time of the year to relocate. Comfortable weather (since Phoenix is hot in summer, spring is a much easier season for moving), affordable relocation prices, and better chances to sell (or rent) your home are some of the reasons to move in spring. Here are some tips for a smooth relocation in this season.

Find Reliable Movers Early Enough

Relocating in spring might not be as affordable as it is in the winter months, but if you start searching early, you will be able to get a good deal. Of course, compared to summertime, you will find a good bargain in spring. Get price estimates from a few companies before you make your decision. Fortunately, relocation during COVID-19 can be safe, too, and the estimates can be done online.

Organize Your Relocation

When you take care of the essentials first, You can do the rest easier.

  • Prepare a relocation to-do list will all the tasks you need to complete.
  • Create a moving budget to know how much money you need for your moving company and smaller expenses, like buying moving supplies.
  • Make an inventory of your belongings – it will help you with purging in the beginning and keep track of all the items you will transport.
  • As soon as you organize and clean, start packing – it’s never too early for that.

Spring Purging Level Pro

So many people love spring cleaning, and it can be particularly satisfying when you’re relocating. Also, there is nothing worse than relocating unnecessary clothes, furniture, or electrical appliances. Therefore, take the time to do the massive spring cleaning. While old and useless items belong in the trash, you can sell or donate your belongings that someone might find useful and helpful.

Spring Allergies & COVID-19

Not only that we are in the middle of the world pandemic (even though the vaccination has taken place) – many of you might experience challenging issues with seasonal allergies. If so, keep your medications close while relocating, and if possible, avoid going out during morning hours. Wearing a protective face mask and sanitizing is a must. Please stay safe and good luck.


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