How to Show Your Moving Team You Appreciate Them

How to Show Your Moving Team You Appreciate Them

Relocating your home or business to another location may take a lot of work, whether you are moving inside Chicago or in its neighborhoods (like Glencoe, Evanston, Wilmette, Winnetka, Gold Coast, Lincoln Park, Lincolnwood, Niles) or relocating long distance out of Chicago. More often than not, you like to rely on the best Chicago movers you can find, and they will do a lot of work for you. But, do you know how to express that you’re thankful? There are many ways to show appreciation and gratitude towards your moving team. Here are some of them.

Be Fully Prepared For Moving

If there is any sign of appreciation for these people, this would be the essential one – be fully packed like a pro, prepared with your inventory, and on top of your part of the deal. If there is anything that can not only slow down the relocating process but also show a lack of respect, it’s being late and sloppy with the preparation, setting you all up for a messy moving day.

Handle Parking Options Ahead

One more practical and engaging activity is to take care of where your movers can park. This is not only showing appreciation towards them but is also helping you move forward easier and faster during the day.

Offer Drinks and Snacks

We all get tired when we do some demanding physical work, especially if we are doing some heavy lifting. It goes without saying that pro movers are professionals who are trained for this type of work, but offering them something to refresh and re-fuel their bodies during the day is a sign of caring and appreciation.

Get Out of Their Way

How can you be of most help while moving technicians are doing their thing? Stay out of their way. Of course, you can offer them assistance, do a quick tour around the place to see if everything is set up as planned, and show them where the stuff is, but when they need to carry around the furniture, do not stand in their way.

Tip Your Movers

If this is your first time relocating and you didn’t know this by now, it’s essential to know that a part of their income movers earn from their tips. Tipping the movers goes between 10-20% for a local move and up to 8% for long-distance relocations. Being kind always pays off. When we show appreciation, we will receive it in abundance. We wish you the smoothest move.

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