Perfect Office Move Step By Step

Perfect Office Move Step By Step

Relocating an office is a whole different ball game than moving a home. There’s just so much more to coordinate! Whether you’re moving locally in Chicago or taking on a long-distance relocation, organizing an office move requires much more preparation. But don’t worry, it doesn’t have to be a stressful or chaotic experience if you follow these tips:

Start Early

The key to a smooth and successful office move is starting as early as possible. If you start planning four to six weeks before the moving day, you’ll have enough time to get everything done. Plus, there are many benefits to moving in the autumn, so it’s worth considering.

Delegate Responsibilities

If you can, find a reliable project manager who can take care of all the organizational details around the relocation. Depending on the size of your company, you might need more than one person to help.

Involve Your IT Team

Your IT team will be crucial in setting up the internet, phone, and other technical aspects that are vital when moving to a new office. The earlier you assign the IT team, the earlier they can check out the new location and see if you need to adjust or upgrade your equipment.

Hire Trustworthy Movers

When relocating an office, it’s crucial to hire a trustworthy team of office movers. Dealing with staff, special equipment, and lots of organizational steps can be overwhelming, so having a reliable moving team is essential. Start early and get moving quotes to find the best team for your office move.

Keep Your Employees Informed

Your employees will want to be informed about the new location you’re relocating to. Since this change will affect your team, make sure to keep them updated about the changes and any crucial information they should know. We wish you the best of luck with your office relocation!

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