How to Stay Organized Before Relocation? Useful Tips

How to Stay Organized Before Relocation Useful Tips

The summer is still ongoing and the relocating season is going strong. Moving in peak season is a must for many, and it can be a challenge to make it go smoothly and completely stress-free. However, a few strategic points can make a world of a difference in your organization, no matter if you are relocating far away or moving inside the Chicago area.Staying organized during a relocation is challenging for sure, but doable nonetheless. Here are some essential tips for a solid moving plan.


Especially after the kind of the year 2020 was, we all feel like procrastinating, don’t we? It’s never been easier to put off things for later, including preparations for your relocation. What you need to do is to make yourself start as early as possible. Force yourself to do it, even if it feels painful to not procrastinate. You will thank yourself later.

Declutter is a Must

Getting rid of excess stuff in your life – whether it’s unnecessary things or thoughts – is always a good idea, especially when you’re about to relocate. Pre-move decluttering will help you relocate lighter, which can also affect your budget, and your wallet will appreciate that.

Before Packing – Sort

Grabbing stuff and randomly putting them in boxes does sound tempting since you don’t want to hassle too much. However, when you put a little bit of effort into sorting your belongings before you pack them, you will unpack them much easier and faster. And that will be crucial for you after you go through the stress of the moving day and start settling in.

Make Lists and Label Items

Making lists will make a ton of difference during your relocation. Better yet, we can suggest a couple of lists that will help you stay on top of every detail:

  • Overall to-do list – for daily tasks and must-dos before the relocation day
  • Inventory list – if you will use the storage or are relocating fragile items and antiques, an inventory list will be of great help to monitor the state and number of your belongings.
  • List of expenses – since the relocation budget is an essential thing to consider for many. When you track how much you will spend on, for example, packing materials or your relocation company, you would have unexpected costs creeping up on you.

Pack in Order

Getting strategic with packing will pay off big time. To avoid the situation of having to unpack some boxes because you can’t find something you need, do it smartly. The things you need the most, pack last.Relocating can be easy and even fun if planned properly. Use your chance to enjoy your transition. Good luck!

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