Moving 101 – Packing Glassware in Dallas

Moving 101 – Packing Glassware in Dallas

Every moving day comes after many days of preparation – organization, finding the best packing company, scheduling a relocation, etc. If you are one of our neighbors in the Dallas area or just about to move here, you know what we’re talking about. If this is your first time to relocate and handle all the organization and especially packing – don’t sweat, we are here to help with some useful tips. This time, let’s talk about packing glasses.

Before packing your glassware, make sure you have all your packing materials on-hand. Also, check all your fragile glasses and sort them however you want. That would be the best preparation, so let’s go step by step.

1 – Precaution

Even if you got brand new boxes, make sure to reinforce them with the tape to ensure security. Glassware can both be heavy and fragile, so additional precaution is never a bad thing.

2 – Newspaper Insulation

Use the newspapers to insulate the inside of the boxes before placing any glasses there. Bubble wrap would also be a great material to isolate, but newspapers are a much cheaper option since you must have some in your house or apartment already.

3 – Wrap

Take a big piece of packing paper and carefully fold it around the glass to entirely cover it and also tuck the rest inside of the glass.

4 – Priority

Of course, not all glasses in your house are easily breakable, nor have the same value. The glasses without stems and the cheaper ones are easier to pack and save, whereas the wine glasses (extremely thin) or some expensive glassware has to be carefully covered and additionally protected with the bubble wrap.

5 – Fill the box

This step might be the most important – it matters the most how you place your glasses in the box. If you’re not cautious about this step, you might end up with a bunch of shattered glass in the boxes. Make sure your glasses are tightly placed, so there is no extra room in the box. And then, you’re done!

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