Moving During COVID-19 Pandemic

Moving During COVID-19 Pandemic

We prepared a guideline for those people who are planning to move or has a scheduled relocation date till the end of April as quarantine has been extended. The first thing you should know is that in the state of Illinois, you can still have your relocation done. The moving industry is considered essential and hasn’t been ceased as many others.

If there is a new order announced in May, we will update the information on our website. STI Moving and Storage company is following the latest CDC recommendations on health and social distancing. We are making sure our employees are well informed and trained to implement them at work.

The rules for movers during COVID-19 spread:

  • Every team member is to have a temperature check before a shift
  • Trucks are to be cleaned, sanitized, and equipped with disinfectants
  • Movers are to avoid giving customers handshakes and wash their hands frequently
  • Team members are to cover their mouths with a napkin or their arm if cough
  • Every employee is to stay home if feeling sick
  • A moving crew is to wear gloves and masks

How to protect yourself before and during relocation:

  • Use only new packing supplies or disinfected plastic bins as the virus stays contagious for around 24 hours on such surfaces
  • If you are buying packing supplies, consider doing it at one time to avoid multiple store visit
  • Finish packing your belongings at least a day before a moving crew arrives
  • Make a deep cleaning of your house and all kinds of surfaces you can disinfect
  • Prepare your home for the movers by making a sink, soap, and paper towels available. If not feasible, try to provide them with some sanitizers, if you have extra
  • Due to social distancing recommendation, consider avoiding help of your friends and family and order a moving company’s service
  • If you experience any symptoms associated with COVID-19, inform your moving company as soon as possible.

COVID-19 symptoms

The majority of coronavirus cases have been mild; however, it can be deadly. The vulnerable are older people or who have underlying health conditions. One of the most dangerous things about COVID-19 is that symptoms may appear during 14 days after being exposed to the virus. And during this time, a person may spread it among others. The virus transmission among people is through coughing and sneezing, but also thorough surfaces, according to the Illinois Department of Public Health.

The most common symptoms:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath

Some other symptoms may include body aches, nasal congestion, runny nose, and sore throat.

Staying home is the easiest yet the essential thing to do to flatten the virus’s curve, so if you don’t have to move now, it’s better to postpone. If it’s not your case and the relocation during quarantine is unavoidable, contact STI Moving and Storage to have it done cautiously and most safely.

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