Holidays are getting very close since winter is smiling at us. But, for many of you, moving during holidays is a possibility. Are you already excited about it or do you need encouragement? Whether it’s moving long distance or relocating inside Chicago, when you are doing it during holidays, it can be quite challenging. It also doesn’t have to be, depending on perspective. What are the clear disadvantages, and what advantages of relocating in the holiday season? Let’s find out together.

Pros of Moving in Holidays

Staying at Friends and Family

While you are in the middle of your big relocation, your relatives or close friends would probably open their doors for you and you can have some cozy time with them. You can feel even warmer and happier during this transition, and it’s an added plus to your exciting move.

No Pre-Holiday Expectations

While others are under stress over buying so many gifts and overdoing the holiday décor, you will pack yours up and not worry too much about the presents. Your move might be challenging, but it will shed a different, more laid-back light on holidays.

Attention for Kids That Change Schools

Relocating children is a topic in itself, and your kids might be affected by it quite hard. However, when you relocate in the middle of the winter holidays, changing school mid-year will help your child earn additional attention and care from the teachers.

Cons of Moving in Holidays

Added Stress

Let’s face it – moving during holidays can be super busy. Pre-holiday time can be quite stressful, and when you add your relocation to that, you can feel like it’s chaotic. Hang in there!

Packed Schedules

Movers in Chicago can be overwhelmed, but also slowed down in traffic due to bad winter weather. Get ready for unforeseen delays and turbulent transitions.

Emotional Rollercoaster

Even if you can’t wait to start fresh in a new location, the holiday season can get quite nostalgic. You might experience some strong emotions, but accept them as a part of the process. It’s all about perspective. We wish you a smooth holiday move.