Packing Clothes – Best Tips

Packing Clothes 101 – Best Tips

When you are getting ready for a great trip, packing can be a fun thing to do. We often think of ourselves as packing experts – well, at least when we have suitcases that are large enough. The thing is, we don’t pay attention to our packing skills until we need to relocate ALL our clothes to a different home. That’s when it gets tricky.

People might think, how difficult can it really be to pack my clothes? We always think it’s a no-brainer until we have a very tight moving schedule and the moving day is approaching, but we didn’t make much progress. On top of that, the chances are high that we will wrinkle the clothes that shouldn’t be wrinkled, or even do some more damage. So, some useful pieces of advice will be more than helpful. What is the most important about packing clothes?

Do Not Procrastinate!

When you have to pack and relocate your entire household, there is not much time left to waste. However, if you get caught in the trap of procrastination, the chances are high you’ll fall behind with all the work. This means you’ll have to put in extra effort, which usually means additional stress. Don’t do it to yourself, stick to the plan and save yourself a headache.

Move = Purge

There is hardly a better chance of completing a much-needed purge of all your clothes than when you move. Usually, we just don’t feel like sorting out all our clothes. I’m not sure if it’s a psychological thing or not, but it’s so much easier to get rid of unnecessary clothes when we are moving out. It’s a matter of logic, as well – who wants to relocate all that stuff (and pay for the relocation) if you know you won’t wear it anymore. It’s also easier to get rid of that emotional attachment that is mostly unnecessary. So, get to work – see what you have to throw away and what is good enough to donate.

Clothes are Light and Non-Breakable

Yes! Finally, something that is not fragile and you can’t destroy in transport. It might be annoying to do all that folding, but at least you know it’s not made of glass. Clothes are easy to pack because you don’t have to be afraid of damaging something too much. Also, boxes filled with clothes are lighter and more comfortable to manipulate – there isn’t any fear of dropping and breaking something. Yay again!

You’ll Always Need More

Packing clothes, as much as it seems easy, can be a double-edged sword. Even though it’s light and not fragile, clothes sometimes take up too much space. When you just think about all that winter clothes and big jackets, you get the picture. So, the best way to prepare for packing clothes is always to take more boxes, suitcases, or trash bags than you think you need. Fun, isn’t it? Packing clothes is easy! Oh, wait… Until you get stressed out over packing, check these useful guidelines for a smooth preparation. We make it easier for you!

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