Packing Essentials – Move Like A Pro

Packing Essentials – Move Like A Pro

Moving in or out of Dallas can be quite expensive and stressful, especially if you opt for hiring the pro packers from the moving company you chose. Hiring a team to pack your belongings can be good, but why do it – especially if you’re on a budget – when you can do it yourself? With these useful tips and tricks, DIY packing will be easy.

Moving to Dallas? Start packing early!

By ‘start early’ we mean, take enough time to plan and pack all the items. 6 weeks of time might sound exaggerated to you at first, but once you start sorting and packing you’ll see that the relocation day is coming fast. That is when you won’t regret your decision to start earlier that you thought is necessary.


The second step, before putting the items into boxes, is getting rid of the unnecessary junk you’ve got all around. It sounds harsh but we all tend to save the items we shouldn’t, and we need to get rid of those before the packing. Don’t relocate the items you don’t need!

Start with non-essentials

What should you pack first? The things you use the least, of course! Framed photos, decorations, your old books, etc. are the best things to pack first, since you won’t be needing those during the preparations for the D day.

Systematical packing

Make sure to pack in a particular order, for example, pack by rooms. Also, labeling the boxes is a two-way essential. One, you’ll unpack easier. Two, your movers will find it easier to load the moving truck.

Photograph the cables

To avoid the trouble with plugging in the technical appliances, take photos of all the cables and how they are plugged in. A relocation to or out of Dallas doesn’t have to be stressful and hard. If you know some tricks of pro packing, relocating will be a piece of cake!

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