Moving is a big step whether it’s a long distance move or you’re just relocating somewhere near. The fact is that you are used to your current home, and you acquired certain comfort there. Also, for many people, plants are such an important part, not only of the home and garden decor but their life, too. If you are a plant lover, you will keep them safe, pretty and neat all the time. Your plants also represent your identity and character, since each of us loves different plants.

Aside from plants, you might do gardening, and you have some pesticides, disinfectants, and also paint (if you have done some painting in your backyard). We can all store so many things in our home, like fireworks, alcoholic drinks. But, can you relocate all these items safely? If you want to move, whether you hire long-distance or local movers, they probably won’t help you with those. So, let’s introduce you to some of the common things that you can’t pack (unless you do it yourself).

Plants – The moving companies don’t want a hassle with moving plants because they are messy and very fragile. They are also sometimes not worth moving because they often can’t survive the moving conditions. So, if you have plants, the best recommendation would be to leave them where they are or – even better – gift them to someone you love and know is going to take good care of them.

Paint, Poisons, Aerosol Cans – Anything flammable, poisonous or any of that kind won’t be taken into consideration by the pro movers. If you are moving across the state and you hired long distance movers, the best thing to do would be to use up all the substances (or throw away what is left) and re-purchase them after you move into your new home.

Fireworks – It can be dangerous and flammable and therefore not safe for transport.

Guns, Ammo – Transporting these items usually requires special licenses.

Liquor – It can spill, cause trouble, and in the case of a long distance move is unacceptable to transport. In the case of a short-distance move, you can transport your liquor on your own.

Food – Any kinds of fresh meat or other fresh foods, frozen, or refrigerated ones, are on the list of non-allowables. There are obvious reasons for that – fresh food can go bad and grow mold; frozen one can start melting, etc. These reasons are more than good enough. BUT: Most relocation companies will agree to transport canned food, since it’s well preserved and easy to move.

Pets – Since pets are usually considered as members of the family, they aren’t considered as moving items. Your pets will usually travel with you (via car or airplane), or there are specialized pet movers if you are interested.

Our moving company has a list of non-allowable items, just like any other. If you have any questions regarding packing and moving, as well as storage, you can always mail us or contact us for more information.

Packing is a stressful job – especially when you don’t know what your movers can and cannot transport. Take a look at this list of non-allowables for moving.