Sick Of Too Much Stuff? Moving Minimalism

Sick Of Too Much Stuff? Moving Minimalism 101

Decluttering leads to feeling lighter – simple as that. It works for every facet of your life, whether it’s spring cleaning or purging before the move. It doesn’t matter if you’re moving to another state or relocating inside the Chicago area. When you declutter and relocate lighter, the mental burden can dissipate with the physical one. Also, your Chicago relocation team will charge less due to less baggage. Here are some pieces of advice on how and where to start.

Step 1: Purge

When you want to go minimalist, you have to be merciless with all your possessions. Go through them and sort out all that you truly don’t need. Go through your closets, pantry, garage, kitchen items, packed Christmas ornaments, books, toys, electrical appliances – everything.

Step 2: Sell & Donate

The items for which you can’t find the place anymore can be donated or sold. If you could use the money and have some pieces that are valuable, consider selling them online. If, on the other hand, you want to donate the items to someone, you can check with many charity organizations, but also libraries, schools, or other organizations, depending on what you can offer.

Step 3: Store Temporarily?

Are you having a tough time saying goodbye to some items? If you want to scale down but are still in doubt about some possessions, think about putting them away in temporary storage. If you have family or friends who have room to keep some of your belongings for a certain period of time, leave them there. Chances are you will realize you don’t need those items anymore, but if that’s what it takes to ease into it, do it.

Step 4: Recycling

After purging, you won’t only come across usable items someone else can be happy with. You will enter the final, trash stage. All the piles with paper, glass, and plastic can be recycled. If you are confused about how and where to recycle certain items, check online about recycling in Chicago.

Step 5: Congratulate Yourself

Decluttering, even though it seems easy for some, takes time, dedication, and patience. If you are one of those who find it difficult to part from your precious items, give yourself a pat on the back. You just made your relocation easier. Good luck!

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