Moving out of Chicago is much different than relocating inside Chicago. Whenever you are moving out of town or even a state, it might take you more preparation – and nerves – to organize and schedule a big relocation. There will be a lot to organize, from a new workplace, a new school for kids (if you have them), to many other overwhelming details. However, the essential and first thing to handle would be the relocation cost. What are the factors that determine the cost of relocating long distance? Let’s check them out together.

What is considered a long-distance move?

First of all, to specify – a move that is considered long-distance is the one that’s away around 400 – or more – miles. It doesn’t have to be cross-state, but it can be. That’s why the pricing can vary, too. For a long-distance relocation, you can pay anywhere from $800 to around $5,000, depending on many factors.

What moving quote are you getting?

You can get the moving quotes based on a couple of types of assessments. An inventory-type quote is calculated by the cubic feet of space that your shipment will take in the truck. Other types are by weight and distance.

What is the type of shipping?

You can have different methods of shipping:

  • Exclusive service – This one is the priciest of the options where you have specific needs and need to get the truck with only your items in it.
  • Consolidated shipping – The more cost-effective option is when you have your items shipped with other customers’ items, and your shipment is delivered between 6 to 10 days, and you need to be available when it arrives.

What are the additional costs?

Aside from the above-mentioned costs, you will need to factor in an additional charge. Insurance might take additional cash from your wallet if you need additional protection for certain items. Also, what if you need storage for a few days, unexpectedly? Gas is one of the factors to take into account, too. Make sure to check how your Chicago moving company charges for gas, especially when you’re relocating long-distance. Lastly, the more items you transport, the more you will have to pay. Decluttering before move is one of the smartest things to do. Moving minimalism is the way to go about a stress-free relocation. Good luck!